
What is the term NEDIC?

NEDIC is an acronym for the different types of ready to buy customers a business might encounter actively looking for their product. If a business can figure out the primary motivation the customer has to make a purchase, then the business can become more profitable by producing ads that will attract that specific type of customer. Your business should design an internet marketing and web page advertising campaign for each one of these different “buyer types”. Your business will be more successful at internet advertising and marketing as a result. The following are the different types of “ready to buy” customers that are searching the internet looking for your product or service.

N – New customer, doesn’t know you yet
(Tell them a good story of why they should use you)

E – Emergency buyer, needs you right now, ASAP
(Help me now, I need someone quick)

D – Dissatisfied consumer, wants to change
(I am unhappy with my current provider)

I – Infrequent buyer, once in a while purchase
(I only need one, but I have lots of friends)

C – Comparison shopper, looking for other options
(Let me analyze this first, I have a choice)

Each one of these unique types of customers have different reasons for using your products or services. Focus on the type of customer that is most profitable for your business and create a SEO web page ad (Orlando advertising sign) for that customer to find on Google Search.

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