Medical Ecosystem

Medical Practice Search Engine Optimization

On-Site Optimization
Google’s best practices needs to be the focus of your on-site marketing strategy. This approach includes optimizing the internal structural elements of your website to make it as friendly to the search engines as possible. This includes on-site elements such as the site architecture, code, internal link structure, images and navigation, page titles and meta descriptions.

Google’s Suggested Best Practices
Having a responsive medical practice website will not only make your website stand out to visitors, it will also stand out to Google. Your site needs to be lightweight and load extremely fast. If your website is lacking in any of Google’s best practice suggestion due to poor architecture or development, optimizing your website will be an uphill battle.

Medical Practice Content Creation
If you want your practice’s site to rise to the top of the search engines, content is important. The more relevant your content is to the terms people use to find your services the easier it is to rank. And the more content you have the better. Without implementing dangerous “black-hat” SEO tactics, Google will not rank your website high you provide no useful information to search engine users. Content is needed in order to help your website receive great rankings.

Medical Practice Blogging
Blogging is a great way to not only provide content for search engines to review, but it’s also a great way to stay in front of your audience. Not every type of practice needs a blog or blog content creation, however there are some that do. If you are a chiropractor needing great online marketing results in a highly competitive market, blogging could put your practice over the top. We often recommend blogging for chiropractors, plastic surgeons, Lasik clinics, bariatric surgeons, dentists, cosmetic dentists or any type of practice in highly competitive markets who demand the highest level of marketing for their practice.

Off-Site Optimization
The more popular you are in the “real world” the more popular you will be on search engines. That is why promoting your practice website externally, through other high-traffic, well-respected websites is an important step in creating a quality, trustworthy web presence for your business. This not only expands your reach, but also helps to build your brand.

By increasing your online presence you are able to establish your practice as a leader in your market, or for your specific products, services and procedures. Being a trusted resource online, you are able to capture high rankings and drive qualified, targeted traffic to your medical practice.

Link building has a very bad reputation right now and for good reason. Over the years, many medical SEO companies used third party websites to buy low quality links to their clients’ sites. At one time Google valued all links pointing to your site, and more links combined with other factors resulting in higher rankings. Link building is more valuable than ever before, however it needs to be done the right way. Doing link building the right way is a tedious process that takes a lot of time and patience. The more places your content is shared the more popular you become, and the more popular you are on the web the more Google will love your website, thus returning higher search ranking results.

Social Media Management
While some may not consider PR to be related to medical practice marketing, we believe it is very important. Often times your interviews or articles will have links to your website from highly trusted and respected news outlets. This, combined with other best practices can lead to amazing marketing results for your medical practice.

Videos that are related to your practice helps build authority with your viewers. YouTube, along with activity on social media accounts such as Google Plus, Facebook and Twitter will help verify and validate everything we do to increase your visibility on search engines. If you do not have a strong social media management plan in place for your practice we will strongly recommend it before moving forward with a video marketing strategy.

Proven Results
We actively promote your website in all of the reputable online directories, local search engines and local business directories, and we create a broad social presence for your business while actively promoting your business through a variety of online media and video search ranking. Achieving front page rankings for our clients in a wide variety of medical industries is our proven track record.

Because we specialize in the medical industry, we have developed a formula that works and can be replicated in every city and state across the United States.