FAQ – Coconut Sugar
Which part of the coconut does it come from? Coconut tree blossoms How is coconut sugar made? Crystal coconut sugar is made by “tapping” and collecting the sap from coconut tree blossoms The sap is…
Which part of the coconut does it come from? Coconut tree blossoms How is coconut sugar made? Crystal coconut sugar is made by “tapping” and collecting the sap from coconut tree blossoms The sap is…
Which part of the coconut does it come from? Coconut meat How are coconut shreds made? Coconut meat is shredded and dried How do you use coconut shreds/flakes? baking smoothies toast and enjoy as a…
Which part of the coconut does it come from? The center of the coconut. As the coconut matures, the coconut water inside deposits into the rind How is coconut water made? Coconut water is the…
Which part of the coconut does it come from? Coconut meat How is coconut milk made? Coconut meat is grated and mixed with a little water, then squeezed Coconut milk’s thickness and rich taste is…
Which part of the coconut does it come from? Coconut meat How is coconut flour made? Coconut meat is completely dried and pulverized How do you use coconut flour? baking Tip Coconut flour is very…
Which part of the coconut does it come from? Coconut meat How is coconut butter made? Coconut meat is blended until smooth How do you use coconut butter? eat plain by the spoonful as a…
Which part of the coconut does it come from? Coconut meat How is coconut oil made? Oil is extracted from the coconut meat Typically accomplished by cold pressing the meat until the oil is released…
Absolutely no pesticides or fertilizers used. Absolutely no heat is used in making our premium centrifuged coconut oil. We personally researched many farms and selected our products only from fair trade and sustainable coconut farms…
This is THE BEST coconut oil you’ll ever use. It has a fresher aroma and flavor than cold-pressed coconut oil does. It is incredibly smooth and it is as close to the original coconut flavor…
To date, there are over 1,500 studies proving coconut oil to be one of the healthiest foods on the planet. Coconut oil benefits and uses go beyond what most people realize. Research has finally uncovered…