Infinite Prosperity
Strategies to create the prosperity you deserve
Our mission is to enable as many people as possible to quit their jobs and live a life of freedom and purpose. We take innovative wealth creation strategies and make them easy to understand and simple to implement by diluting the mountain of information down into a manageable set of key strategies, essential risk management procedures, and excellent support services. Through offering a wide range of education packages, we aim to make our knowledge available to people in all circumstances. We strongly believe that education should be readily available to anyone, regardless of their situation.
My name is Lewis Mocker, a full time currency trader and co-founder of Infinite Prosperity. When I was 8 years old my grade three school teacher, Mrs. Chambers, told me that the students who listened in class and studied the hardest will go on to get the best grades, that will lead to the best university degrees, and ultimately the best jobs. Unfortunately for Mrs. Chambers, the idea of having a “good job” in a nice air-conditioned office for the rest of my life didn’t arouse much enthusiasm in me.
My trading career began at the age of 9 when I made my first $500 investment in a telecommunications company through a brokerage account that my father opened for me. Dad has been a trader for more than 30 years, making me one of the lucky few who were born into a trading family. Back in his day, he had to physically draw his price charts onto long reels of graph paper and analyse the market with a keen eye, a steady hand, a ruler and a calculator. Unbeknownst to him at the time, he held a distinct advantage by trading this way as his judgement was not clouded or conflicted by 36 different “indicators” or “alerts”, which are now used habitually on the modern day trading platform by amateur traders. He taught me that trading consistently is easy, “All you need to do first is protect your capital, second find a logical strategy, third repeat it until you have flawlessly executed over 100 trades, and forget about your account balance in the meantime”. Coincidentally every professional trader I have ever met before having written this article, shares the same trading philosophy. With dad’s guidance, I grew my account to the point where it was large enough to begin actively trading the CFD and commodities market in my mid-teens. It was about this time I was introduced to some of the best financial traders on the planet, who helped me fine-tune my strategies even further. The most inspiring moment in my early development was personally witnessing a trader pull $350,000 net profit out of the market in a single trading session from his home office (during a time when the average salary was $50,000 a year). That was the day I knew I wanted to become a professional trader. At the age of 19 I learnt to trade the currency market, which really struck a chord with me, more so than my previous trading activity in stocks, CFDs, commodities and options. I found that swings in the foreign exchange market were more predictable, and that the price cycle was easier to gauge.
By popular demand, I started running trading tutorials in my home office each night with friends and family, which is when I discovered that I have a great ability to teach my strategies. My good friend Amy took on my trading methods and mastered them very quickly! Within 6 months from learning what the forex market is, she was trading a $120,000 account and people were lining up to give her their money to trade. Within 8 months she was making more than her boss, and only spending 2 hours a week placing trades. It was then that she retired, and began running tutorials in her own home office with friends and family. The result is an extremely inspired, and exceptionally motivated trading superstar, who is passionate about sharing her skills with the world.
Prior to becoming a successful forex trader, Amy was studying finance at University and working for a well known Australian bank. She was achieving top grades and making what many consider a good living. Although she was well on the way to “making it” in mainstream society, she was disgruntled with having very minimal time for learning new skills or making a real difference in the world. This led her to become extremely passionate about showing others that exchanging time for money is not their only option, and certainly not the best one.
At breakfast one morning, Amy and I were discussing the massive rally in the Swiss Franc and how one of her trading students had banked 9% on one trade. We were juiced that our strategies were making a difference to the lives of those we cared for most, but agreed that we needed to reach a wider audience. It was then that Infinite Prosperity was born. Together, Amy and I will combine our knowledge and experience in the markets and pay forward the skills that were passed down to us by our mentors.
While there are many companies that provide wealth creation education, Infinite Prosperity is unique in that it offers a comprehensive program designed around a radically fresh perspective. Our e-learning courses are designed to build traders from the inside out. Our meticulous attention to detail in teaching you how to develop a trader’s mindset, combined with our elite strategies that are used by institutional traders around the world, results in students with unprecedented success rates. We have witnessed many trading mentors sugar coat their teachings to the point where their students are left with false hope and unrealistic expectations, therefore we have presented our courses in the most brutally honest manner. This type of approach ensures we are able to produce students that are more than capable of replicating our results, as they are taught in the exact same fashion as we were. Far too many courses have been designed purely to make money. Our courses are designed to breed professional traders.
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