Good Time Sports In Oviedo – Spend the day playing sports with the entire family.
What is Good Time Sports?
It’s pure and simple, Good Time Sports is a positive place to play recreational sports.
Good Time Sports is a positive place for all ages, genders, and skill levels to play recreational sports at a non-competitive level.
Who are We?
Good Time Sports is an organization formed by parents who want to create a positive place to spend the day with the entire family. Our generation grew up playing sports and games outside. We’ve experienced the value and benefits physical activity has had on our own lives, and we want future generations to reap the same benefits. No matter your age, gender, or skill level; anyone can attend Good Time Sports and find a recreational Team Sports to participate in. Link to a recent article on GTS.
Benefits to Attending Good Time Sports
- Something for everyone: a one-stop shop for physical activity and fun for everyone; no matter your skill, age, or gender.
- Equal play time: no matter your skill level, everyone plays in every game.
- No equipment costs: we provide all the equipment you need to participate, just bring yourself.
- Positive Reinforcement: we track your stats, and award you for reaching milestones.
- More Positive Reinforcement: everyone earns prizes for participation on game day.
- Ease of use: our game rules are made simpler and shorter to garner maximum participation and fun.
- Positivity: we provide a positive atmosphere geared toward learning, patience, and positivity.
- Socialization: we provide a healthy environment for you to meet and socialize with other positive people in the community. It’s like joining a real life social network!
- Exercise: you really don’t realize how much physical activity you’re getting, because you’re having fun.
- Green: doesn’t get much greener than spending a day outdoors. We’ll also throw in some free vitamin D via the sun.
Participation information for our next Family Sports Day – February 9, 2014
- What: a recreational sports day for all ages 4 & up with various fun sports activities and games ranging from Wiffle Ball and Soccer to Big Wheel races (see our flyer below with games and times)
- When: our next Family Sports Day will be Sunday, February 9, 2014, from 12:00pm-3:00pm (show up early between 11:15am-11:45am for free lunch)
- Where: 1240 Sanctuary Dr, Oviedo, FL 32766 (note: the back side of the school is seen from the main road. You must enter through the adjacent subdivision (The Sanctuary) to reach the front entrance/parking lot.
- Cost: only $10! To ensure a spot (pre-register here). If spots are still available on game day, you can sign up at our registration tent between 11am-12pm.
- Questions: email; for help finding us on game day call 407-476-5955
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